After many months of bitter wrangling, sordid accusations and blame culture, with one fiasco and collapse after another, as well as some of the most appalling behaviour and abusive language I have ever witnessed, Mrs Chucklebutty’s flat pack bedroom suite is now almost complete.

But never again! I can tell you….
"What? What???"
"I’m doing it now, woman!!"
"I am."
"No, I am not on the 'f-ing blog.'"
"I am just checking the website to see why we still have all these screws. "
"Go to the bingo, I’ll have it finished by the time……"
She’s gone….I can still hear her swearing in the street - oh ha ha!
She caught her head a whack on the hanging basket again! Serves her right.
Bloody self assembly. That’s one for trades description. I thought it was like one of those pop-up tents but we tipped it all out and nothing happened. Months I waited!
Why anyone wants to do this when you could get a perfectly good bedroom set from somewhere like Quiggins.

Good to know that in Capital of Custard year that the founder of Liverpool’s Iconic Emporium for the young Bohemian, where you could buy your joss sticks and Che Guava posters, is flying the flag.
I’m just not sure if it’s the right flag or one made popular in the 1930’s.
I wonder though how many of their customers would have survived the concentration camps set up by those from whom Mr Quiggins promoted party friends originally found their political inspiration?
Yes, you could get tattoos done at Quiggins as well I believe, but I don’t think they were compulsory or that they murdered the customers afterwards.
I can remember the good old days of Aunt Twacky’s Bazaar and of course 69A but now Quiggins makes me think of Zyklon B.
Ahh, the BNP they tell us they were never like that and have changed.
I think it’s called Hitlercause denial.
Maybe their old friend Dr David Irving could write a book about it now he’s out of prison.
What a shame.
Something once fondly celebrated is now tarnished and poisoned.
A funny old election wasn’t it?
And in the same week, Mrs Chucklebutty reveals to me that the much loved actor and war hero, James Stewart, was secretly a big player in the commie witch-hunts and a lot of other right wing political nastiness.
Oh, I can’t risk having any more heroes.
I am going to dismantle my shrines to Anita Harris and Jimmy Clitheroe before something comes out about them as well.
Speaking of the Clitheroe Kid, and back to normal business, Sheriff Bradlow has appointed a new Deputy, Cluckleberry Flo!
The crazy dancin’ gal that took over the Boot Ranch from Calamity Kemp for a while and turned it into the paradise it is today.
Seems she came at a cost though, the town just wasn’t big enough for two schoolteachers and she saw to it that one lame mule was more or less put out to pasture and destined to be an old grey mayor.
Another change on the reservation was the chopping down of the big thick ugly Totem pole on Elder Ridge.
Nobody seems to have noticed that it’s gone but a lot of folks are saying it still casts a dark shadow.
But ladies and gentlemen I am pleased to see that Capital of Custard events are really picking up now.
Roly Joe Riley has done an excellent piece promoting the sex god that is Philharmonic Conductor Vasilly Pertbottom.
I understand that his next performance will be the soundtrack from the film “The Full Monty” with him stripping naked at the end whilst the choir sing “You can keep your baton.”

Much better than Faure’s Requiem or Bachs Ass in B Minor, as Joe joked.
Now something I am looking forward to is the Klimt Exhibition.

I always used to say to Mrs Chucklebutty, “come on punk, make my tea.”
Mind you, she’d laugh and then belt me with a Fistfull of Scallops followed by A Few Scallops More, when I said “how about a sandwich then”?
Oh hang on, no it’s not Klimt Eastwood at all.
What a disappointment.
It’s some fellow who paints bread I think, something here about a Vienna.
William Morris will be there, the chap who used to do Animal Magic and Hammy Hamster and some Scottish chap in a mackintosh who’s brought some of his furniture.
I can’t see this bringing in the crowds!
Am I going mad or something?
It says here that one of Klimts most famous works will be on display, a reconstruction of Beethoven’s Fridge!!
A master piece of 20th century art that combines painting sculpture architecture….well now I know it’s nonsense Beethoven was dead by the early 1800s.
It says here, a prime example of the concept pioneered by Richard Wagner of the total work of art “GESAMTKUNSTWERK”
Now I am pretty sure that was the motto over the entrance to the old dole office in Leece Street. Well maybe that was an Arts and Crafts building.
Actually it was more likely a scouser with a felt tip pen.
Ladies and gentlemen, I almost forgot, there is also of course the comedy festival with clowns and comedians taking centre stage between now and 2010 at least.
Unless one or two comedians drop out in which case it may be renamed the Tears of Relief Festival.
But let’s give the Lib Dems a break for now.
Hopefully, the biggest laugh will come in a couple of months with Comedian Lee Hurst in 'Postman Prat meets Fireman Scam' appearing at The Royal Crown Court.
The Chuckle Brothers themselves should anytime soon be together again for one last time in Jason and The Lager Nits.
The conspiracy to rid us of the Legendary Orange Fleece.
Don’t forget Jamie Oliver will be here as well for the start of the Tall Chips race.
Seems things are really looking up again.
Oh no sorry, that’s the budget deficit for the Custard Company.
Tatty Bye Everybody, Tatty Bye 

Sorry for the delay, Prof.
I expect you have been busy like me transcribing the Radio 4, File on 4 show about Grotty Cash into a libretto. It should make a wonderful Opera.
Kiri Tikannaworms
Kathleen Feriercrossthemersey
Placido Domingovale
Luciano Peroni and Lulu have all signed up. It will be the highbrow finale for 2008
Where are you Proff???
Come on give us a giggle in these glum times?
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